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Javascript how to chain fetch calls

Sometimes you want to have data based on previously loaded data, so your variables depend on the previous fetch call, then is when we use promise chaining.

const BASE_URL = "https://swapi.co/api";

function getPersonWithHomeworld(personId) {
  // Declare an empty variable to save the received response
  let person;
  // It's important to return the main fetch since it will return
  // a promise, if the promise is not returned then the result
  // belongs just to the scope of this function
  return fetch(`${BASE_URL}/people/${personId}`)
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((_person) => {
      // Assign the parsed response to our declared variable
      person = _person;
      // Do a fetch using the homeworld url from the received person
      return fetch(person.homeworld);
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then((homeworld) => {
      // Overwrite the homeworld value with the parsed response
      // from the fetch call
      person.homeworld = homeworld;
      return person;

// Call the function, because it returns a promise, we need to
// threat it like that using .then