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Connect to DO Database Cluster from DBeaver and Knex


Once in your database view on Digital Ocean, go to Overview tab and select Connection details. Download the ca-certificate.crt. Go to DBeaver and select "New Database Connection / PostgreSQL" On Main tab set Host, Port, Database, User, Password copying it from the Connection parameters set in Digital Ocean. On SSL tab select "Use SSL" and set as Root certificate the downloaded cert. Ready to go!


Once in your database view on Digital Ocean, go to Overview tab and select Connection details. Select Connection string tab and choose between public/private network. Then just copy the connection string and save it as DATABASE_URL in the .env file of your project. Once, the previous steps are complete, set the knexfile.js to be like:

export default {
  development: {
    client: "pg",
    connection: "postgresql://postgres@localhost/your-db",

  production: {
    client: "pg",
    connection: `${process.env.DATABASE_URL}&ssl=true`,